Sat Test 2 Answers

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All the questions in this section will test your ability to improve a passage's writing style. This section still requires a firm grasp of grammar rules including punctuation and common English usage. The SAT Writing and Language component assesses...

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips

You'll be tested on: comma use, parallel construction, verb tense, and subject-verb agreement. Expression of Ideas - you'll be given questions about a passage's organization and impact. You'll be asked to select which words or structural changes will improve a passage. Words in Context - you'll be asked to select the best word choice based on the context of the sentence. You are expected to choose words that will improve the tone, style or syntax of the selection. Command of Evidence - you'll be given questions that require you to improve the way a reading passage develops ideas and information.

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Passport to Advanced Math - create and solve quadratic and exponential functions; create equivalent forms of algebraic expressions; add, subtract, and multiply polynomial expressions; understand relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials. Additional Topics in Math - volume formulas; Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric ratios; complex numbers; arc lengths and radian measures; congruence and similarity problems about lines, angles, and triangles; two variable equations about circles in the coordinate plane.

College Board Sat Practice Test 2 Answers

SAT Essay The optional SAT essay component will require you to read a passage and write an essay that explains how the author develops a persuasive argument. You'll be expected to support your explanation with evidence from the passage. You are given 50 minutes to complete the essay. Every SAT essay prompt is nearly identical to this example: As you read the passage below, consider how [author] uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage. The SAT topic is different every time, but will always have the following attributes: examine trends, debates, or ideas in political, cultural, or arts and sciences argue a point.

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Learn More. Answer Explanations. The ACT Test consists of multiple choice questions in the areas of: English, mathematics, reading, and science. Each includes a blank answer sheet and answers. A quick final check would confirm that, after swapping the first two symbols, the new order would become: small pentagon, small triangle, large crescent. Every year ACT releases an official practice test that is provided to students as a sample test. CMA Practice Test 2. A variety of authentic reading texts cover the.

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Math Strategies 1. Here is a sentence that contains an improper verb tense: The three coaches decided not to pick the team right after practice that day, but they do talk on. Scoring Your Practice Tests ADAA is an international nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders through education, practice, and research. The correct answer is B. An interactive exam with answers and explanations. Then, answer Part B. Importance of advanced education in nursing. Detailed answer explanations are included for each question. Reread the sentence, using your selected answer. Give some feedback. Then choose the best version of the underlined parts of the sentences from the choices provided. Over 40 free ACT practice tests online can be available.

Sat Practice Test 10 Answers

ACT Practice Test 2. CAE Practice Test. Exercise 3 Students' own answers. At the beginning of each working day, you should check appointments…?. When taking an ACT practice test, we suggest using a real. Practice ACT Tests. These are the only six unique tests released by ACT over the years, the rest are repeats of these same test forms. Prepare for the ACT test. It is widely accepted worldwide by around 10, colleges. Answer Explanations 1. Only ACT English and reading sections have answers. You'll remember more if you study for short periods of time 45 minutes to 1 hour and over a longer period of time weeks than if you cram all your study into a "binge" session the night before the test. Exercise 1 1 I got a degree from Portland University. Choice A is the best answer. Multiple Choice Sample Paper Answers. Below are 30 Math Questions with solutions. System Test Exam Answers. The correct answer is: B. ACT Section Scores vs. This has been a great practice. He becomes lighthearted in spirit, and he even jokes a little.

SAT Practice Test 2: Video Explanations

Download after purchase. Practice problems for each question type 3. Question And finally, practice writing in your own answers before looking at the answer choices. See how much you know about Hamlet Act 2, take the quiz. See where you stand. The more questions you answer, the better you will do on the test, in theory.

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Succeed with data-driven practice. This test has 10 problem solving questions, to be completed in 12 minutes. Education budget cuts ontario. Read these practice questions with sample answers and see if you notice any patterns. By Kaplan Test Prep. No problem! The correct answer is C. Note: The math tests are randomized, so please take the test multiple times to get the full benefit of the ACT test prep. Part 2, Exam 7. C The smallest defect can cause love to deteriorate. Download a free ACT practice test here make sure to print it out. Use the answer sheet provided to practice filling in the dots. This is the first of our 3 free PTCB practice tests. Choice A is incorrect because the graph suggests that people acting on empathy by buying fair trade coffee is productive for fair trade coffee farmers and workers.

Act Practice Test 2 Answers

During this uncertain time, get facts you can trust. Sharing any questions with anyone is a violation of Test Security and Fairness policies and may result in your scores being canceled.

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Use the answer key to mark your responses on each section. Total the number of correct responses for each section: 3. Add the raw scores for sections 3 and 4. A Tone In the first paragraph, the author tells us that he has little prudence and no skill in inventing of means and methods … in adroit steering … nor in gentle repairing. He also has no skill to make money spend well. These are self-effacing descriptions.


They are certainly not pontifical speaking as a high priest , aspirational expressing high hopes and goals , or sardonic grimly cynical. Therefore, this statement must be taken to be self-effacing as the other statements are, and specifically to mean that he lacks gardening skill. C Word in Context Recall that the first paragraph begins with the question What right have I to write on prudence …? The second provides a response to this question about his right: in saying I have the same title to write on prudence as I have to write on poetry or holiness, then, he is clearly saying that he has the standing or authority to write on prudence. D Inference In following his declaration that he has the right to write on prudence lines 11—12 , Emerson states that [w]e write from aspiration as well as from experience. In other words, we gain the standing to write on prudence not only from expertise in prudent behavior, but also from a focusedyearning.

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B Textual Evidence As the explanation to the previous question indicates, the best support for this answer is in lines 13— B Specific Purpose The sixth paragraph lines 39—57 discusses three classes of people according to their proficiency of knowledge of the world lines 39— The first class values health and wealth [as] a final good lines 42— The second class values the beauty of the symbol line 46— The third classlives above the beauty of the symbol to the beauty of the thing signified lines 46— This last group has spiritual perception line Therefore, its members are superior for their ability to discern sublime qualities. A Interpretation This phrase appears in a discussion of the individual who traverses the whole scale line 50—51 , that is, who has the skills of all three classes: practicality, taste, and spiritual perception. In saying that such a person does not offer to build houses and barns lines 54 on the sacred volcanic isle of nature lines 53—54 , Emerson is saying that nature is merely a symbol that points to the splendor of God 55 , and therefore not what a truly wise person chooses to fix his or her gaze upon.

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In other words, the building of houses and barns is an unwise allegiance to worldly things. B Word in Context In saying that the world is filled with the proverbs and acts of a base prudence lines 58—59 , Emerson means that most of our actions and words are devoted to practical things, like the question will it bake bread lines 64? As Emerson made clear in his previous paragraph, these considerations are those of the lowest and least noble class, so theirs is an ignoble prudence. C Interpretation As a whole, this paragraph discusses the problem that the world is filled with the proverbs and acts of a base prudence lines 58—59 , in other words, that our words and actions are too focused on a devotion to matter lines 59—60 and its effect on our senses, as if we possessed no other faculties than the palate, the nose, the eye and ear lines 60— Emerson describes this problem with a simile: this is a disease like a thickening of the skin until the vital organs are destroyed lines 64— To Emerson, then, the disease is the problem of sensuousness devotion to the senses rather than the intellect.


C Characterization In line 20, Emerson defines prudence as the virtue of the senses, but he regards the world of the senses [as] a world of shows lines 22—23 , that is false when detached line 35 from the thing signified line 47 by the natural, sensory, intellectual world, that is, from the splendor of God lines Furthermore, he says that prudence is a devotion to matter, as if we possessed no other faculties than the palate, the nose, the touch, the eye and ear lines 59— Therefore, as a whole, the passage characterizes prudence as a pursuit of practical skills and sensory experience.

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A Tone The opening paragraph describes this breathless pause at the threshold of a long passage lines 8—9 in which the narrator and his crew seemed to be measuring our fitness for a long and arduous enterprise lines 9— This describes the reflective anticipation of a journey. Notice that this description provides no evidence of anxiety or excitement. In fact, the scene is described in peaceful terms, with the ship very still in an immense stillness line 2. A Specific Purpose The narrator states that some glare in the air lines 14—15 prevented him from seeing sooner something that did away with the solemnity of perfect solitude lines 18— That is, he saw something that led him to believe they were not alone.

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In the next paragraph, this something is revealed to be the mastheads of a ship anchored inside the islands lines 35— C Specific Detail This sentence describes the scene as the narrator surveys the tide of darkness and a swarm of stars lines 20—21 while resting his hand on the rail of the ship as if it were the shoulder of a trusted friend line In the next sentence, he describes this as a moment of quiet communion line 26 with the ship, now interrupted by the sight of a strange ship beyond and the disturbing sounds lines 27—28 being made by the crew. In other words, this sentence describes a moment of wistful expressing vague longing contemplation.


Choice A is incorrect because, although thedisturbing sounds and the omen of a distant ship may seem to be signs of impending danger, the sentence in lines 20—24 makes no mention of these things. Choice B is incorrect, because this moment is described as a moment of quiet communion, not deep inner turmoil. Choice D is incorrect, because there is no mention of any tragic experience. A Characterization Since this story is being told from the perspective of the captain, we can infer his character from the nature of his narration.

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In the opening paragraph, the captain states that we seemed to be measuring our fitness for a long arduous enterprise, the point of our existences to be carried out lines 9—12 , demonstrating that he is more reflective than reactive as a leader. These descriptions of reflection and self-doubt reveal the captain as being self-conscious and diffident. D Textual Evidence As the explanation to question 14 shows, the best evidence for this answer can be found in lines 63— C Word in Context In saying I mention this because it has some bearing on what is to follow lines 54—55 , the narrator means that the fact that he was the only stranger on board line 54 is relevant to what he is about to say. B Word in Context This sentence describes how the chief mate, described as earnest line 70 and painstaking 71 , is trying strenuously to figure out why there is another ship anchored nearby. In saying that he was trying to evolve a theory, the narrator means he is pondering thinking strenuously. C Specific Detail The truth that the narrator mentions in line 57 is the fact that I am a stranger to myself.

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In other words, this truth is the fact that he lacks self-confidence. D Word in Context In saying that the why and the wherefore of that scorpion … had exercised him infinitely lines 75—81 , the narrator means that the chief mate was using his dominant trait … [of] earnest consideration lines 69—71 to figure out how a scorpion had made its way into his cabin. That is, the questions about the scorpion had disquieted unsettled him infinitely. In other words, it is an act of strained contemplation. A Interpretation In the final line, the narrator says that the ship within the islands was much more easily accounted for. In other words, the scorpion was less easily accounted for, or less explicable. Clearly, then, he regards it with blunt disdain.

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D Cross-Textual Analysis Both of these quotations represent viewpoints with which the authors of the respective passages disagree. D Graphical Analysis The illustration shows a schematic overview of some Therapeutic Cloning Strategies that involve removing a somatic cell from a patient and transferring its nucleus to stem cells that can then be cultured into genetically matched tissue that can then replace diseased cells and tissues in the patient. This is an example of one of the procedures to clone human cells for seemingly beneficial purposes lines 38—40 described in Passage 1. Choice A is incorrect because the guided purpose refers to a principle of creationism, which is not indicated at all in the diagram.


Choice B is incorrect because, although the process in the diagram might resemble an assembly line, it is not the assembly line that could be used to create a child that is no longer uniquely human lines 23—24 , but with carefully designed and tested features line Choice C is incorrect because the diagram does not describe the course of human evolution, which would need to show how humans evolved from more primitive species. D Specific Meaning The process of introducing degraded germs lines 52—53 describes the basic process of vaccination, which, like cutting flesh line 52 that is, surgery , must have seemed dangerous at first, but in fact can be a life-saving technology. This process is the injection of vaccines. C Inference In this paragraph, the author of Passage 2 describes the position of cloning foes who believe that cloning is the end of evolution, or at least the beginning of its corporate management lines 59— The author of Passage 1 is deeply concerned that the executive boards of these [cloning] companies will decide the course of human evolution, with more concern for quarterly profit reports than for the sake of humanity lines 32— Clearly, then, the author of Passage 1 regards this management as a regrettable invasion of commercial interests into human reproduction.

Sat Test 1 Answers

Choice B may seem plausible, since Rifkin is warning of the potential dangers of cloning, but notice that this cannot be the reason that the author of Passage 2 quotes Rifkin, because the passage clearly disagrees with his sentiments. To the author of Passage 2, then, the Twins Days Festival represents the innocuousness harmlessness of genetic duplication, since twins are genetic duplicates, and nothing to be feared. B Cross-Textual Inference The author of Passage 2 does not object to the procedures to clone human cells for seemingly beneficial purposes lines 38—40 , and in fact believes they are necessary contributions to medical progress since they potentially provide technologies to provide ample food for a starving world, cure devastating illnesses, and replace diseased organs lines 98— D Textual Evidence As the explanation to question 31 indicates, the best evidence for this answer is found in lines 95— Therefore, the passage is primarily concerned with exploring academic questions about how we learn language.

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Choice A is incorrect because the passage does not begin to delineate the general principles of linguistics, which is a far greater subject than simply language acquisition. Choice D is incorrect because, although the passage does discuss the ideas of the influential linguists Benjamin Whorf in the second paragraph and Noam Chomsky in the last paragraph , these references only serve the larger purpose of exploring the questions of language acquisition, and do not serve as the overall focus of the passage. C Inference In the first paragraph, the author indicates that [e]very time we speak we are revealing something about language, so the facts of language structure are easy to come by lines 3—6. Therefore, the data mentioned in line 6 are the facts of language structure, which would likely include the syntax rules governing word order of different languages. Choice A is incorrect because information about literacy levels is not information about language structure.

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