Biology Midterm Exam Study Guide Answers

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Biology is an ongoing inquiry about the nature of life. Pre-AP educator committees work closely with College Board to ensure that the course resources define, illustrate, and measure grade-level-appropriate learning in a clear, accessible, and...

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NURS 6670 Midterm Exam Study Guide Questions and Answers

For the final grades, the variance is Not sure what college you want to attend yet? Look for notes, reviews, flashcards, or whatever you find helpful in reviewing biology material. Genetic studies have contributed to the eradication of cultural myths. In the past, only women were solely responsible for not being able to have children. Now new research has determined that the man is also accountable for this. The sex of children is determined by the sperm of the man and not by the women's ovaries. Conquer your course and sign up for free today! Download our app to study better. Anytime, anywhere.

General Biology Practice Exams

You do not need to write notes for bold items: I. The 90 selected-response questions will cover 6 subareas of biology. An introductory course will prepare students to study higher levels of science and familiarize them with the scientific process. Students should also have experience with basic mathematical functions in order to complete experiments. Be sure to do a very good job on these worksheets as they will be VERY helpful for your next assessment on this chapter. Albert was an effective resource to guide me through AP Biology. Keeping up with it consistently all year as I learned the lesson in class was crucial to reinforcing my understanding and long-term memorization of Biology.

10 Ways to Study for Midterms

An oil filter Movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is known as: The thing being dissolved in a solution is known as a: When the concentration of a substance is the same throughout a solution, then the substance has achieved: What can increase the rate at which diffusion occurs? What is the major component of cell membranes?


Develop an analogy for integral proteins. Develop an analogy for cristae. Develop an analogy for Chloroplasts. Develop an analogy for cell walls. Develop an analogy for ribosomes. Proteins created for release outside the cell through the process of exocytosis originated from which organelle? Why would a cell use phagocytosis as opposed to facilitated diffusion? The sodium potassium pump carries sodium: A.

Biology Midterm Exam

The hydrogen bonds within water form between After the bag has been sitting in the beaker for a while, what would you expect to have happened to the bag? There will be have been a net flow of water into the bag, causing it to swell in size. The bag will be the exact same size because no water will have move at all. The solute will have moved out of the dialysis bag into the beaker. The solutions in the two arms of this U-tube are separated by a membrane that is permeable to water and sodium chloride, but not to sucrose. Side A is filled with a solution of 0. Initially, the volume on both sides is the same. Side A is isotonic to side B. Side A is hypotonic to side B with respect tos ucrose.

Midterm Exam Study Guide Answers

A: All organisms begin life as a single cell. B: Scientists suggest that evolution has occurred through a process called natural selection. D: The two types of measurement important in science are quantitative when a numerical result is used and qualitative when descriptions or qualities are reported. C: A normal sperm must contain one of each of the human chromosome pairs. There are 23 chromosome pairs in all. Of these, 22 are autosomal chromosomes, which do not play a role in determining gender. The remaining pair consists of either two X chromosomes in the case of a female or of an X and a Y chromosome in the case of a male.

AP®︎/College Biology

Therefore, a normal sperm cell will contain 22 autosomal chromosomes and either an X or a Y chromosome, but not both. E: All living organisms on Earth utilize the same triplet genetic code in which a three-nucleotide sequence called a codon provides information corresponding to a particular amino acid to be added to a protein. In contrast, many organisms, especially certain types of bacteria, do not use oxygen. These organisms live in oxygen-poor environments and may produce energy through fermentation. Other organisms may live in dark environments, such as in caves or deep underground.

NR 601 Midterm Exam Study Guide (Latest 2021)

Many organisms reproduce asexually by budding or self-fertilization, and only the most evolutionarily advanced organisms make use of neurotransmitters in their nervous systems. B: Sexual reproduction allows the genetic information from two parents to mix. Recombination events between the two parental copies of individual genes may occur, creating new genes. The production of new genes and of new gene combinations leads to an increase in diversity within the population, which is an advantage in terms of adapting to changes in the environment. The system of naming species is called binomial nomenclature. The first name is the genus, and the second name is the species. In binomial nomenclature, species is the most specific designation. This system enables the same name to be used globally so that scientists can communicate with one another. Genus and species are just two of the categories in biological classification, otherwise known as taxonomy.

BIO101: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology

The levels of classification, from most general to most specific, are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. As shown, binomial nomenclature includes only the two most specific categories. D: Fission is the process of a bacterial cell splitting into two new cells. Fission is a form of asexual reproduction in which an organism divides into two components; each of these two parts will develop into a distinct organism. The two cells, known as daughter cells, are identical. Mitosis, on the other hand, is the part of eukaryotic cell division in which the cell nucleus divides. In meiosis, the homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell separate, reducing the number of chromosomes in each cell by half. In replication, a cell creates duplicate copies of DNA.

Biology 108

A: Bacterial cells do not contain mitochondria. Bacteria are prokaryotes composed of single cells; their cell walls contain peptidoglycans, and the functions normally performed in the mitochondria are performed in the cell membrane of the bacterial cell. DNA is the nucleic acid that holds the genetic information of the organism. It is shaped as a double helix. A vesicle is a small cavity containing fluid. A ribosome is a tiny particle composed of RNA and protein in which polypeptides are constructed. Last Updated: May 31, Search for:.

Everything you NEED TO KNOW to do well in bioL 101

Explain why. Explain the contributions of the scientists listed below to cell biology. Robert Hooke. Honors Biology. Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide. The Introduction to Biology. The scientific method. Purpose and Hypothesis. The electrons are attracted to the positive charge of the protons in the nucleus. Define: homeostasis and metabolism. What are the 8 characteristics of life? What are the basic metric units of: a. What type of laboratory equipment is used to measure each of the above? Look at your metric lab! A to maintain the same number of chromosomes in the daughter cells as in the parent cell. B to cause one of the cells produced to have double the number of.

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A list of resources to help students study Biology. Study guide for a grade 9 honors biology final. Study guide for biology midterm 59 cards This packet has a review of each section with follow up questions for you to practice. Submit a completed packet for extra credit. RE Study Guides was created in in order to provide study materials specifically for students at Ransom Everglades. Over the past four years, it has grown and developed as people provided study guides for our fellow classmates. If you would like to print a copy, please print a copy. Docx This study guide packet is due the day of the mid-term exam. You must complete it and bring it with you when you come to take the test.

Biology Midterm Study Guide - UDHS 9th Grade Midterm Review

The following review. Honors Biology Midterm Concepts Implications of a research study. I am able to. The major ecology concepts in Honors Biology food chain. Honors Biology midterm study guide - Free download as Word Doc. Doc -. Docx , PDF File. Pdf , Text File. Txt or read online for free. Study guide for honors biology! Although Biol has an honors designation, participation in an honors. Questions from the study guide and-or past exams. Dec instructions for preparing-submitting written papers will be provided by mid-term. Studying for biology classes is very different from studying for history or English classes.

Biology Practice Questions

Strategies that. Biv Biology Midterm Answers Science is a body of knowledge based on the study of nature. The clear, jellylike material between the cell membrane and the nucleus that makes up most. Very comprehensive Biology midterm review study guide Wait just a minute here. In order to access these resources, you will need to sign in or register for the website takes literally 1 minute! AP Biology: Exam Review. What time is my biology midterm exam? What is going to be.

biology midterm study guide

Nonpermeable d. None of the above. A cell membrane is a thin layer of molecules that surrounds the cell. Its function is to allow certain materials to enter the cell, yet, keep harmful materials out. In order to do this, the cell controls which substances can enter the cell through the membrane. The cell membrane is selectively permeable or semipermeable , which means that certain molecules, such as oxygen and water, are permitted to enter the cell.


Molecules that are not recognized as helpful are not able to pass through the membrane. Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer. A cell uses which of the following to accelerate chemical reactions enabling its metabolic machinery to operate? Centrasome c. Golgi apparatus d. Enzymes Enzymes are catalysts, chemicals that speed up chemical reactions. The conditions inside most cells do not allow reactions to proceed quickly enough to support life. For example, temperatures inside organisms are not hot enough for chemical reactions to take place quickly. Enzymes increase the rates of biological chemical reactions. Which of the following is not part of the metabolic sequence? Photosynthesis c. Hydoplasm d. Digestion Inside cells, sequences of chemical reactions take place to support life.

Biology Open Midterms Practice Test

These sequences are known as metabolic pathways. Photosynthesis, respiration, and digestion are all examples of metabolic pathways, or sequences. Photosynthesis is the metabolic pathway that produces oxygen and glucose in organisms with chlorophyll. Respiration breaks down molecules called ATP for cells to use as energy. Digestion breaks down food to be used to make energy in the form of ATP. Hydroplasm is not a known metabolic sequence. Which of the following are NOT organelles found in animal cells? Nucleus and golgi apparatus b. Cellular membrane and cytoplasm c. Mitochondria and ribosomes d. Chloroplast and central vacuole Chloroplasts and central vacuole are important organelles in plant cells. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and are the site of photosynthesis. Central vacuoles are used to store water in plant cells. All the other organelles listed are important to the function of animal cells and plant cells. Light initiates different types of cellular reactions.

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Which of the following responses to light converts the energy from light into a gain of potential energy? Phototaxis c. Photosynthesis d. All of the above Photosynthesis is the process plant cells use to convert oxygen, water and sunlight into a usable form of energy. The product of photosynthesis is glucose sugar molecules. Glucose molecules are a form of potential energy that can be broken down by an organism to produce energy in the form of ATP molecules. Gene c. Protein d. Nucleus A gene is the basic unit of heredity. Genes are made of DNA sequences and act as instructions for making proteins although not all genes make proteins. Genes are found on chromosomes. Double c. Quadruple d. The DNA molecule looks like a twisted ladder and is referred to as a double helix.

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Each nucleotide contains a sugar molecule and a phosphate group, along with a nitrogen base. Genes are located within the cytoplasm of the cell. Hydrochloric acid c. Ribonucleic acid d. In the ribosome, the information coded onto messenger RNA is used to make proteins. When sexual reproduction occurs in multicellular organisms, a process takes place before cells fuse whereby a cell is left with half of its chromosomes, enabling the creation of a cell with a characteristic chromosome number. What is this process called? Osmosis c. Anabolism d. Differentiation During meiosis, gametes sex cells are formed by reducing the number of chromosomes found in somatic body cells by one half.

Midterm Exam 2021

This occurs so that when two gametes, one from each parent, fuse together, the embryo will contain the correct number of chromosomes. Without meiosis, offspring cells would contain double the number of chromosomes of normal adults and they would not be viable. Which of the following represents the largest group of biological classification? Kingdom c. Class d. Genus Biology uses a system of classification to group organisms together based on their characteristics. The levels of classification, from largest most inclusive to smallest most specific , include domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. There are two types of cells, eukaryotic and prokaryotic. Which of the following cellular structures are found in both types of cell?

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Prokaryotic cells are found in bacteria and their structure is much more simple than eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells have a few simple cellular structures such as a nucleoid region, ribosomes, and a plasma membrane. Eukaryotic cells have more highly developed cellular structures including organelles that support the function of the cell. Golgi apparatus and mitochondria are found in eukaryotic cells. Chloroplasts are found in eukaryotic cells that contain chlorophyll, such as plants. What it is the name given to specialized structures within cells responsible for carrying out specific functions such as providing energy and producing hormones? Mitiosis c. Archaeans d. Organelles Organelles are specialized structures in cells that support the cellular functions. For example, mitochondria are organelles that synthesize energy; ribosomes synthesize protein; chloroplasts convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar.

Life Science Midterm Exam

Internal complexity c. Size d. Ecological relationships Unicellular organisms are very small compared to most multicellular organisms. If they were as large as a multicellular organism, their surface area to volume ratio would be too low to support life. Staying small gives unicellular organisms a high surface area to volume ratio.

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Larger cells have less surface area compared to their volume. Molecules move into the cell, out of the cell and through the cell slowly through the cell membrane. Having a large surface area provides more space for molecules to diffuse across the cell membrane and less of a distance to travel inside the cell to supply organelles with materials needed for metabolism. How many chromosomes does an individual human person have?

Biology Midterm Exam Study Guide Answers

There are topics in Physics 30S such as kinematics the study of motion , dynamics the study of forces and vectors the mathematics of vector addition and subtraction that are prerequisite prior knowledge for Physics 40S. In Physics 40S these topics are revisited and studied more in-depth, building on the prior knowledge gained while studying Physics 30S. Physics 40S involves the study of and application of concepts to the world around us.

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This course enables students to deepen their understanding of the concepts and theories explored previously in Grade 11 Physics 30S. Students will further develop skills in the areas of experimentation, research, critical thinking, and analysis. Problem solving is an extensive component of this course. Many topics studied in the later part of the course require the application of knowledge acquired earlier in the course. Students will access online laboratory activities in Blackboard. Laboratory activities have an important role to play in any science course which attempts to reflect the nature of the discipline i. This course is extensive in its length as the content of a textbook is written into the course. The course is divided into four major topics. Each topic contains modules organized as follows: Topic 1: Mechanics.

Biology Midterm Study Guide

Log in or Sign up to track your course progress, gain access to final exams, and get a free certificate of completion! This course is designed for students who etudy to learn about and appreciate basic biological topics while studying biology midterm exam study guide answers smallest units of biology: molecules and cells. Molecular and cellular biology is a dynamic discipline. There are thousands of opportunities within the medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial fields. In addition to preparing you for a diversity of career paths, sxam molecular and cell biology will help you make sound decisions that can benefit your diet and health. First, read the course syllabus. Then, enroll in the course by clicking "Enroll me in this course". Click Unit 1 to read its biolkgy and learning outcomes. You will then see the learning materials and instructions on how to use them.

Study Guide for Campbell Biology

Unit 1: Introduction to Biology Biology is the study of exa. While biologists have made great strides in discovering things on earth, there biology midterm exam study guide answers still many new things to learn. The first fundamental questions are: What is Life? What does it mean to have life? These inquiries are essential midtemr the new discoveries that biologists realize and make known every day. With such a vast scope of information, biologists must organize these discoveries that will stand the test of time.

Nurs 6670 and midterm Exam study guide only questions without answers.

In this biology midterm exam study guide answers we introduce the major topics a biologist studies and the theories they use and apply to their work. Completing this unit eam take you approximately 4 hours. Unit 2: Basic Chemistry Nature is not based on one field of study. It incorporates kidterm, physics, chemistry, and other academic disciplines. Life is multidisciplinary and is driven by chemical processes.

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Since so many biology topics overlap with basic principles of chemistry, you need a basic understanding and appreciation of chemistry to fully understand biology. For example, in Unit 1 we discussed that the atom is the first part of the biological hierarchy. In this unit we provide an understanding of this foundational level of organization. Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours. Unit 3: Biological Molecules Biological molecules are the essential molecules needed for life.

Biology Practice Exam

These molecules can be organic or inorganic. Organic chemistry is the study of carbon, which is an element that forms strong covalent bonds essential for the foundational structures of all living things. Water, salts, acid and bases are mostly essential inorganic molecules that facilitate many biological processes. All organisms contain the organic biological molecules gudie carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acid — which are essential to life. This unit will help you understand the structures and functions of these organic molecules and how our body needs them to function properly. Unit 4: Cells and Cell Membranes Cells are the smallest units of life. In mditerm unit we explore the characteristics, components, and functions of cells.

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Learning about the structures of cells, allows us to see the similarities and differences among organisms. Bacteria, plant, animal, and fungus cells are similar in many ways and contain many of ztudy same small structures known as organelles. However, some characteristics help distinguish whether a cell belongs to an animal, plant, fungus, or bacteria. For example, all plant cells contain cell walls, while animal cells lack this particular extracellular structure. The water within a cell that presses against the cell wall gives a plant its rigidity and your celery its crunch! Completing this unit should take you approximately 10 hours. Unit 5: Metabolism, Enzymes ,and Cellular Respiration Metabolism refers to the sum biolofy of every chemical reaction in every organism. Cells use enzymes and metabolic pathways to tuide these chemical reactions.

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It is essential to understand the reactions that comprise metabolism to learn how organisms acquire and use energy to survive. Since this process is quite complicated, we will explore nidterm from several different angles in this unit. Completing this unit should take you approximately 9 hours. Unit 6: Photosynthesis Have you ever wondered how a plant grows from a tiny acorn into a giant oak tree?

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